"HB2 is a piece of legislation signed by Gov. Pat McCrory earlier this year, primarily designed to protect women and girls. HB2 was passed in response to Charlotte’s 2016 nondiscrimination law, which would allow transgender bathroom access—and put women and girls in danger by allowing non-transgendered predators easier access to victims" (Decision Magazine).

It is apparent that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is in support of HB2. It cites that allowing for enactment of the Charlotte City Ordinance, which would allow for transgender people to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity, would put "women and girls in danger" (Decision Magazine). In the letter from President Franklin Graham, cites that binary gender is a "mainstay for generations". It is evident that there is this desire for traditionalists values and to preserve the way things have been across generations.
Peter Berger in The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion "Culture consists of the totality of man's products. Some of these are material, others are not. Man produces tools of every conceivable kind, by means of which he modifies his physical environment and bends nature to his will" (7). Using Berger's concept of man's products, gender can be viewed as a tool human beings have used, not necessarily to manipulate nature, but to manipulate social construction. According Franklin Berger, gender is a identity that is determined by God and is immutable. Gender, as thought of by Graham and BGEA, is a sacred concept. The male/female dichotomy is very sacred to the practice of marriage and to the concept of family to the BGEA. Gender can be thought of as set apart from the everyday. When the Charlotte City Ordinance threatened to tinker with the sacredness of male/female, they felt this immediate threat to their paradigm of gender.
Berger believes that the opposite of sacred is the profane, which is the everyday. He goes onto state that another oppose to the sacred is chaos. The fluidity of gender, can be argued to a form of chaos to the BGEA and to institutions that hold the male/female dichotomy to be sacred.